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< prev - next > Fisheries Farming fish and aquaculture Small scale fish farming_KnO 100028 (Printable PDF)
Small-scale fish farming
Practical Action
family labour is itself a comparative advantage. Thirdly, in those systems which use local food
resources, such as natural foods and kitchen wastes, feed costs are relatively low compared with
those for commercial producers. Small-scale fish producers should therefore be able to survive
competition in much the same way as village-scale poultry producers have survived, and even to
some extent benefit from the increasing number of intensive poultry operations.
References and further reading
Small-scale Freshwater Fish Farming by van Ear et al. Agromisa 1996
Cage and Pen Fish Farming: Carrying Capacity Models and Environmental Impact FAO
Fisheries Technicla Paper 225, 1984
Food, Livelihoods and Freshwater Ecology: The Significance of Small Indigenous Fish
Species, ITDG Bangladesh, 1999
Fishing out the Gene Pool Practical Action Technical Brief
Livelihood from Fishing A Le Sann Practical Action Publishing 1998
Fish Processing UNIFEM Practical Action Publishing 1993
Cage fish culture Practical Action Technical Brief
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Practical Action Bangladesh
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Dhaka 1000
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